It seems that this time of year we all feel the joy of the renewal of nature, the warming of the earth and…AACHOO…the trigger of pollen in the air.

Tired of fighting allergies every year?

There’s a reason these allergies keep coming back, and it may not just be a matter of pollen. In Houston, we have up to 5 times more mercury in our air than almost any other city in the United States.

It’s not just our air, either. Other common sources of mercury toxicity are “silver” dental fillings, batteries, broken CFC or fluorescent light bulbs and many vaccines (such as the flu vaccine!).

What does this have to do with allergies? Actually, a great deal.

In the Homeopathic Materia Medica, the symptoms that are brought on by mercurius vivus (quicksilver, or pure mercury) include, but are not limited to:

  • Burning arid discharge from the eyes
  • Sinusitis and colds
  • Runny nose with sneezing
  • Frequent sneezing
  • Yellow, green, fetid, possible glue-like discharges
  • Inflamed, irritated mucous membranes
  • Thick yellow nasal discharge

Sound familiar?

That’s right, these are all commonly found symptoms of many seasonal allergies.

There are different ways to try to detoxify this heavy metal, but one of the most efficient, gentle approaches is through the Houston Homeopathy Method™ of sequential homeopathy.

We have had many people come to us over the years with chronic sinus issues, such as hay fever, eye irritation and other common symptoms of allergic reactions. As we work to desensitize the system to the known pollen allergens and simultaneously support the detoxification exit routes, we can usually also get tangible relief through reduction of inflammation and the histamine reaction.

Many of our clients have been able to get off of their allergy medications, allergy shots, sinus medications and even steroids. Scroll down to discover how homeopathy can help relieve your allergy symptoms with these 4 simple remedies.

Allium cepa (Red onion):  If your symptoms include sneezing with a burning, runny nose and burning, tearful, red-rimmed eyes as if you’d just peeled an onion, this remedy is a good starting point.

Euphrasia officinalis (Eyebright): If you tend toward conjunctivitis (inflammation of the eye and eyelids with weeping or thick discharges), this may be the remedy for you. It also helps with headaches from the stuffiness. If you have so much nasal discharge that you feel like you’re drowning, this is a good remedy for you.

Sabadilla (Cevadilla seed): If you have red, burning eyelids, spasms of sneezing and watery nasal discharge, this remedy may bring relief.

Nux vomica (Colubrina): Reach for nux vomica if you have sneeze after sneeze with stuffiness that changes sides as you roll over at night. Nux can help with any symptom where you feel you “want to but can’t,” including itchy ears and stuffy nose.

So, if you’re saying, “If I could just blow my nose, I’d feel better,” try nux!

If you have been plagued with chronic allergies or sinusitis, and have already tried the above remedies with some temporary relief, but still want more, check out our NEW Airborne Allergy Relief & Support Program. It heals and desensitizes to allergy triggers including pollens, dust and mold – and promotes long term healing without drugs and their side effects or expensive testing through gentle homeopathic detoxification and desensitization.

Learn more about these deep-healing programs here, or contact us to learn more about the best choice for your unique situation.

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